Rgl load issue for 3d plots

[Question from user]

When trying to create 3d plots with plotIndiv, the following error occurs:

pca.res <- pca(multidrug$ABC.trans, ncomp = 4, scale = TRUE)
plotIndiv(pca.res, style='3d')

Loading required namespace: rgl
failed with error: There is not package called ‘Shiny’
The rgl package is required for 3d plots

Can you please run the following and try again:

BiocManager::install('rgl', dependencies=TRUE, update = TRUE, ask = FALSE)

And if you continue to face errors run:

BiocManager::install('rgl', dependencies=TRUE, update = FALSE, ask = FALSE)

And if all fails, paste here the error messages plus outputs from the following code:


It works! Thanks a lot for your help!!