Thanks again for the wonderful mixOmics
package and DIABLO
. In another project where I am integrating mRNA (~3000), protein (~1300), and metabolites (~160) across 31 samples, I am finding some issues with selected features from the metabolites panel that is discriminating my categorical outcome.
I ran DIABLO using list.keepX
with a full design. This list.keepX
was obtained using tune.block.splsda
function as below.
test.tune.BBM = tune.block.splsda(X = data, Y = Y, ncomp = 2,test.keepX = test.keepX, design = design2, validation = 'Mfold', folds = 5, nrepeat = 1,dist = "centroids.dist")
# $mRNA
# [1] 30 5
# $protein
# [1] 14 16
# $metabolite
# [1] 9 5
MyResult.diablo.tune <- block.splsda(X, Y, keepX=list.keepX,design = design2)
> metabolite.c1$metabolite$value
Cystine -0.5932985
citrulline -0.4469610
succinate -0.4053713
Hydroxyphenylacetic.acid -0.3018932
fructose.6.phosphate -0.2679044
Hydroxyisocaproic.acid -0.2487210
S.adenosyl.L.homoCysteine -0.1651630
arginine -0.1488625
myo.inositol -0.0984053
> metabolite.c2$metabolite$value
anthranilate -0.68325915
trehalose.sucrose -0.62615245
Mevalonic.Acid -0.27213253
fructose.6.phosphate -0.25845751
dGTP -0.01528562
Now when I print
the list of metabolites that are discriminating my categorical class, I find that one analyte is particularly repeated. As seen above fructose.6.phosphate
is showing up twice in both the components in the metabolite data with different value.var
. This has not happened earlier with other projects. Can you give some inputs as to why this is happening and how to explain this issue?