Repel labels in plotIndiv and plotVar


Is there a way to repel the labels in plotIndiv and plotVar because they are crowded with labels and may overlap when lots of individuals/variables are plotted?

Hi @muna59,

This is in fact a feature I’ve had in my mind for a while. I just added a rough-and-ready implementation to a feature branch which you can install using BiocManager::install('aljabadi/mixOmics@ggrepel'), Use the code in feature request: Repel labels in plotIndiv and plotVar · Issue #129 · mixOmicsTeam/mixOmics · GitHub as a guide on how to use this feature (simply add repel = TRUE).

It would be great to have your feedback on this.



Thank you for your quick reply.
I tried the code and I am getting the following error:
Error in .get_geom_text(repel = repel, style = style) : object ‘geom_text_’ not found

Hi @muna59,

Sorry, there was a small issue which should be fixed now. Please note that the repel arg can help but if it’s too cluttered there’s not much it can do. Please keep us posted on how it works on your visualisation.

