As you can see, I. have three extreme outliers which I would like to exclude before proceeding to PLS-DA analysis but I am not able to identify which samples these are. I get dots instead of the ind.names despite
ind.names = TRUE, pch=NULL
testing with pch=F just gives me squares. I am using the latest dev version 6.17.28
Can you please help me identify these samples?
Thank you very much!
Other option (see ?pca) is to use the ind.names option but you need to specify the individual names (or any character vector associated to your individuals). plotIndiv(pca.res, ind.names = multidrug$cell.line$Class)
I am also using the MixOmix 6.17.28 and having the same issue where the ind.names does not display only circles.
I tried the second line in your example and there was no change to the IndivPlot still circles no ind.names
Please help. should i revert back to mixOmics6.16.3 had other issues with that but the indv.names displayed