Errors vignette 3 PCA with MixOmics 6.16.3 on R version 4.1.0

As discussed in other posts i had issues with MixOmics 6.17.28. So Im Running RStudio with R version 4.1.0 and MixOmics 6.16.3.

I was following the PCA vignette 3. On section 3.7.1 sPCA the plotIndiv showed PC1 and PC 2 both displayed at 0% see the image.


When i checked the values for: MyResult.spca the numerical results did not match the plot in 3.7.1 either:

# sparse PCA with 3 principal components. 
# Input data X of dimensions: 64 3116 
# Number of selected variables on each prinicipal components:
#   PC1   PC2   PC3   
# 15    10     5   
# Proportion of adjusted explained variance for the first 3 principal components, see object$prop_expl_var: 
#   PC1              PC2              PC3      
# 0.003856574      0.002213243      0.001108384      
# Other available components: 
#   loading vectors: see object$rotation 
# Other functions: 
#   tune.spca, plotIndiv, plot, plotVar, selectVar, biplot

Although sPCA plot labels do not display correctly the
plotLoadings(MyResult.spca, comp=1) plotted perfectly

On Section 3.8
Tune.pca(x) did not cause the plot shown in the vignette.