Hello. We very much like your mixOmics program. One of our coauthors has requested that we only show positive (red lines) or negative (blue lines) correlations in a single figure.
Is this possible to do in the circosplot?
Thank you in advance
Hello. We very much like your mixOmics program. One of our coauthors has requested that we only show positive (red lines) or negative (blue lines) correlations in a single figure.
Is this possible to do in the circosplot?
Thank you in advance
Hi @mixOmics_user,
I created a custom circosPlot2
function to do what you asked for. With the sub-functions it’s greater than word limit for Discourse posts so I break it down into multiple posts (I recommend you save them all in a single R file):
run these first:
drawIdeogram = function(R, xc=400, yc=400, cir, W,
show.band.labels = FALSE,
show.chr.labels = FALSE, chr.labels.R = 0,
# Draw the main circular plot: segments, bands and labels
chr.po = cir
chr.po[,1] = gsub("chr","",chr.po[,1])
chr.num = nrow(chr.po)
dat.c = chrData
dat.c[,1] = gsub("chr", "", dat.c[,1])
for (chr.i in c(1:chr.num)){
chr.s = chr.po[chr.i,1]
v1 = as.numeric(chr.po[chr.i,2])
v2 = as.numeric(chr.po[chr.i,3])
v3 = as.numeric(chr.po[chr.i,6])
v4 = as.numeric(chr.po[chr.i,7])
dat.v = subset(dat.c, dat.c[,1]==chr.s)
dat.v = dat.v[order(as.numeric(dat.v[,2])),]
for (i in 1:nrow(dat.v)){
#col.v = which(colors()==dat.v[i,5]) #get color index
#col = colors()[col.v]
dark.clear = color.blocks#brewer.pal(n = 12, name = 'Paired')
col.v = which(dark.clear==dat.v[i,5]) #get color index
col = dark.clear[col.v]
w1 = scale.v(as.numeric(dat.v[i,2]), v1, v2, v3, v4)
w2 = scale.v(as.numeric(dat.v[i,3]), v1, v2, v3, v4)
draw.arc.s(xc, yc, R, w1, w2, col=col, lwd=W)
if (show.band.labels){
band.text = as.character(dat.v[i,"name.user"])
band.po = ((w1+w2)/2)# - ((w2-w1)/3) #position around the circle
# print(c(band.po, w1, w2, (w2-w1)/3))
band.po.in = R-(W/3.0) #position on the band (middle)
draw.text.rt(xc, yc,band.po.in , band.po , band.text ,
cex = size.variables, segmentWidth = W, side="in" )
} #End for row
if (show.chr.labels){
w.m = (v1+v2)/2
chr.t = gsub("chr", "", chr.s)
if(line == TRUE)
draw.text.rt(xc, yc, chr.labels.R, w.m, chr.t, cex=size.labels,
segmentWidth = W, parallel=TRUE)
} else {
#put the labels closer to the circle
draw.text.rt(xc, xc, chr.labels.R, w.m, chr.t, cex=size.labels,
segmentWidth = 75, parallel=TRUE)
} #End for
drawLinks = function(R, xc=400, yc=400, cir, W,
lineWidth=1, col=rainbow(10, alpha=0.8)[7], drawIntraChr=FALSE,
color.cor = color.cor)
# Draw the links (computed correlation) between features
chr.po = cir
chr.po[,1] = gsub("chr","",chr.po[,1])
chr.num = nrow(chr.po)
chr.po[,4] = gsub("chr", "", chr.po[,4])
dat.in = mapping
dat.in[,1] = gsub("chr", "", dat.in[,1])
dat.in[,4] = gsub("chr", "", dat.in[,4])
dat = dat.in
for (i in 1:nrow(dat)){
chr1.s = dat[i,1]
chr2.s = dat[i,4]
po1 = dat[i,2]
po2 = dat[i,5]
chr1 = which(chr.po[,1]==chr1.s)
chr2 = which(chr.po[,1]==chr2.s)
v1 = as.numeric(chr.po[chr1,2])
v2 = as.numeric(chr.po[chr1,3])
v3 = as.numeric(chr.po[chr1,6])
v4 = as.numeric(chr.po[chr1,7])
w1 = scale.v(as.numeric(po1), v1, v2, v3, v4)
v1 = as.numeric(chr.po[chr2,2])
v2 = as.numeric(chr.po[chr2,3])
v3 = as.numeric(chr.po[chr2,6])
v4 = as.numeric(chr.po[chr2,7])
w2 = scale.v(as.numeric(po2), v1, v2, v3, v4)
# Set the link width depending on the correlation coefficient
lwd = abs(as.numeric(dat[i,7]))
# Set link color
if (as.numeric(dat[i,7]) < 0.0){
linkCol = color.cor[2]#colors()[128] #pale red
} else {
linkCol = color.cor[1]#colors()[134] # blue
linkCol = add.alpha(linkCol, alpha=0.4)
if (chr1 == chr2){
if (drawIntraChr == TRUE){
draw.link(xc, yc, R, w1, w2, col=linkCol, lwd=lineWidth)
} else {
draw.link(xc, yc, R, w1, w2, col=linkCol, lwd=lineWidth)
} ### End for
drawLinePlot = function(mapping=mapping, xc=400, yc=400, col.v=3,
R, cir, W, col='black', scale=FALSE, lineWidth=1,
# Generate a linear plot around the main ideogram.
# fixme: the function writes the same line multiple times
# it needs to be called only once and process the data/segment
# separately
chr.po = cir
chr.po[,1] = gsub("chr","",chr.po[,1])
chr.num = nrow(chr.po)
dat.in = mapping
dat.in[,1] = gsub("chr", "", dat.in[,1])
# data set for the chromosome
for (chr.i in 1:chr.num){
chr.s = chr.po[chr.i,1]
chr.s = gsub("chr","",chr.s)
dat = subset(dat.in, dat.in[,1]==chr.s)
dat = dat[order(as.numeric(dat[,2])),]
v1 = as.numeric(chr.po[chr.i,2])
v2 = as.numeric(chr.po[chr.i,3])
v3 = as.numeric(chr.po[chr.i,6])
v4 = as.numeric(chr.po[chr.i,7])
# background line
if (background.lines){
draw.arc.pg(xc, yc, v1, v2, R, R+W-5, col=colors()[245])
} else {
draw.arc.s(xc, yc, R, v1, v2, col=colors()[245], lwd=axis.width)
my.R1 = R + W/5
my.R2 = R + W - W/5
## for the matrix colors
num.col = ncol(dat[,col.v:ncol(dat)])
num.row = nrow(dat.in)
if (length(col) == num.col){
colors = col
} else {
colors = rainbow(num.col, alpha=0.5)
for (chr.i in 1:chr.num){
chr.s = chr.po[chr.i,1]
chr.s = gsub("chr","",chr.s)
dat = subset(dat.in, dat.in[,1]==chr.s)
dat = dat[order(as.numeric(dat[,2])),]
dat.i = c(col.v:ncol(dat))
dat.m = dat.in[,dat.i]
dat.m = as.matrix(dat.m)
dat.min = min(as.numeric(dat.m), na.rm=TRUE)
dat.max = max(as.numeric(dat.m), na.rm=TRUE)
v1 = as.numeric(chr.po[chr.i,2])
v2 = as.numeric(chr.po[chr.i,3])
v3 = as.numeric(chr.po[chr.i,6])
v4 = as.numeric(chr.po[chr.i,7])
col.i = 0
for (j in col.v:ncol(dat)){
col.i = col.i + 1
col = colors[col.i]
my.v = as.numeric(dat[1,j])
dat.i.old = my.v
v.old = scale.v(my.v, my.R1, my.R2, dat.min, dat.max)
po = as.numeric(dat[1,2])
w.from = scale.v(po, v1, v2, v3, v4)
for (k in 1:nrow(dat)){
dat.i = as.numeric(dat[k,j])
if (is.na(dat.i)){
v = scale.v(dat.i, my.R1, my.R2, dat.min, dat.max)
w.to = scale.v(as.numeric(dat[k,2]), v1, v2, v3, v4)
if (w.from > 0){
draw.line3(xc, yc, w.from, w.to, v.old, v, col=col,
dat.i.old = dat.i
w.from = w.to
v.old = v
} # end the row
} # end the col
if (scale){
do.scale(xc, yc, dat.min, dat.max, R+W/5, W-2*(W/5))
} # end the chr/segment
genChr =function (expr, bandWidth = 1.0, color.blocks)
# Generate the segments and calculate the
# unique positions of the bands
# Args:
# expr : dataframe containing the features expression
# example: colnames(concatFeatExp) "PAM50" "Features" "Mean" "SD"
# "Dataset"
# bandWidth: thickness of each band
# Return:
# a data.frame that can be used with segAnglePo
# expr can contains expression data for multiple diseases
# here, we only use the Chrom and Dataset column and remove duplicates
keeps = c("Features","Dataset")
expr = expr[keeps]
expr = unique(expr)
chrLengths = data.frame(table(expr$Dataset))
rownames(chrLengths) = chrLengths[,1]
chrLengths[,1] = NULL
colnames(chrLengths) = c( "Freq")
chrLengths[, "Count"] = rep(0, nrow(chrLengths))
# Last column contains the bands' color
# Create a color scheme
#dark = c("brown3","darkgoldenrod","antiquewhite3","steelblue3")
#clear = c("brown1","darkgoldenrod1","antiquewhite1","steelblue1")
dark.clear = color.blocks#brewer.pal(n = 12, name = 'Paired')
dark = dark.clear[seq(2, 12, by = 2)]
clear = dark.clear[seq(1, 12, by = 2)]
chrColScheme = data.frame(dark, clear)
n_datasets = length(unique(expr$Dataset))
chrColScheme = chrColScheme[c(1:n_datasets),]
rownames(chrColScheme) = levels(factor(expr$Dataset))#alphabetical order
seg.out = c()
for (i in 1:nrow(expr)){
chrName = paste("chr", as.character(expr[i,'Dataset'][[1]]), sep="")
dType = as.character(expr[i,'Dataset'][[1]])
pStart = chrLengths[dType,'Count'] * bandWidth
pStop = chrLengths[dType,'Count'] * bandWidth + bandWidth
chrLengths[dType,'Count'] = chrLengths[dType,'Count'] + 1
fName = as.character(as.matrix(expr[i,'Features']))
# added as.character() by amrit
# Assign colors
if (chrLengths[dType,'Count'] %% 2 == 0){
chrCol = chrColScheme[dType,]$clear
} else{
chrCol = chrColScheme[dType,]$dark
seg.out = rbind(seg.out, c(chrName, pStart, pStop, fName, chrCol))
# Use the same names than in omicCircos
colnames(seg.out) = c("chrom", "chromStart", "chromEnd", "name", "color")
seg.out = as.data.frame(seg.out)
genLinks2 = function(chr, corMat, threshold)
# to satisfy R CMD check that doesn't recognise x, y and group (in aes)
# Generates the links corresponding to pairwise correlations
# Args:
# chr: ideogram structure (generated from genChr)
# corMat: main correlation matrix
# threshold: minimum correlation value
# Return:
# the links data (see omicsCircos doc)
linkList = c()
# Remove matrix diagonal and the the mat in a list
linkList = subset(melt(corMat), Var1!=Var2 )
# Remove links below the threshold
if(threshold > 0) {
linkList = subset(linkList, linkList$value >= threshold)
} else {
linkList = subset(linkList, linkList$value <= threshold)
#First merge
linkList = dplyr::rename(linkList, feat1=Var1, feat2=Var2)
linkList = merge(linkList, chr, by.x="feat1", by.y="name")
# Set the position in the middle of the band
linkList$po1 = (as.numeric(linkList$chromStart)
+ as.numeric(linkList$chromEnd)) / 2.0
linkList = dplyr::rename(linkList, chr1=chrom) # CHANGED BY AMRIT
keeps = c("feat1","feat2","value","chr1","po1")
linkList = linkList[keeps]
#Second merge
linkList = merge(linkList, chr, by.x="feat2", by.y="name")
linkList$po2 = (as.numeric(linkList$chromStart)
+ as.numeric(linkList$chromEnd)) / 2.0
linkList = dplyr::rename(linkList, chr2=chrom) # CHANGED BY AMRIT
keeps = c("chr1","po1","feat1","chr2","po2","feat2","value")
linkList = linkList[keeps]
bezierCurve = function(x, y, n=10) {
outx = NULL
outy = NULL
i = 1
for (t in seq(0, 1, length.out=n)) {
b = bez(x, y, t)
outx[i] = b$x
outy[i] = b$y
i = i+1
return (list(x=outx, y=outy))
bez = function(x, y, t) {
outx = 0
outy = 0
n = length(x)-1
for (i in 0:n) {
outx = outx + choose(n, i)*((1-t)^(n-i))*t^i*x[i+1]
outy = outy + choose(n, i)*((1-t)^(n-i))*t^i*y[i+1]
return (list(x=outx, y=outy))
# one value : from a to b
scale.v = function(v, a, b, min.v, max.v) {
v = v-min.v
v = v/(max.v-min.v)
v = v*(b-a)
### draw.link
draw.link = function(xc, yc, r, w1, w2, col=col, lwd=lwd) {
# for translocation
w3 = (w1+w2)/2
w1 = w1/360*2*pi
w2 = w2/360*2*pi
w3 = w3/360*2*pi
x0 = xc+r*cos(w1)
y0 = yc-r*sin(w1)
x1 = xc+r*cos(w2)
y1 = yc-r*sin(w2)
x = c(x0,xc,xc,x1)
y = c(y0,yc,yc,y1)
points(bezierCurve(x,y,60), type="l", col=col, lwd=lwd, lend="butt")
### draw.link2
draw.link2 = function(xc, yc, r, w1, w2, col=col, lwd=lwd) {
# for translocation
w3 = (w1+w2)/2
w1 = w1/360*2*pi
w2 = w2/360*2*pi
w3 = w3/360*2*pi
x2 = xc+r/2*cos(w3)
y2 = yc-r/2*sin(w3)
x0 = xc+r*cos(w1)
y0 = yc-r*sin(w1)
x1 = xc+r*cos(w2)
y1 = yc-r*sin(w2)
x = c(x0, x2, x2, x1)
y = c(y0, y2, y2, y1)
points(bezierCurve(x,y,60), type="l", col=col, lwd=lwd, lend="butt")
draw.link.pg = function(xc, yc, r, w1.1, w1.2, w2.1, w2.2, col=col, lwd=lwd) {
w1 = w1.1
w2 = w2.2
w3 = (w1+w2)/2
w1 = w1/360*2*pi
w2 = w2/360*2*pi
w3 = w3/360*2*pi
x0 = xc+r*cos(w1)
y0 = yc-r*sin(w1)
x1 = xc+r*cos(w2)
y1 = yc-r*sin(w2)
x = c(x0,xc,xc,x1)
y = c(y0,yc,yc,y1)
bc1 = bezierCurve(x,y,60)
ang.d = abs(w1.1-w1.2)
pix.n = ang.d * 10
if (pix.n < 10){
pix.n = 10
ang.seq = rev(seq(w1.1,w1.2,length.out=pix.n))
ang.seq = ang.seq/360*2*pi
fan.1.x = xc + cos(ang.seq) * r
fan.1.y = yc - sin(ang.seq) * r
w1 = w1.2
w2 = w2.1
w3 = (w1+w2)/2
w1 = w1/360*2*pi
w2 = w2/360*2*pi
w3 = w3/360*2*pi
x0 = xc+r*cos(w1)
y0 = yc-r*sin(w1)
x1 = xc+r*cos(w2)
y1 = yc-r*sin(w2)
x = c(x0,xc,xc,x1)
y = c(y0,yc,yc,y1)
bc2 = bezierCurve(x,y,60)
ang.d = abs(w2.1-w2.2)
pix.n = ang.d * 10
if (pix.n < 10){
pix.n = 10
ang.seq = rev(seq(w2.1,w2.2,length.out=pix.n))
ang.seq = ang.seq/360*2*pi
fan.2.x = xc + cos(ang.seq) * r
fan.2.y = yc - sin(ang.seq) * r
polygon(c(bc1$x, fan.2.x, rev(bc2$x), rev(fan.1.x)),
c(bc1$y, fan.2.y, rev(bc2$y), rev(fan.1.y)),
fillOddEven=TRUE, border=col, col=col, lwd=lwd)
draw.point.w = function(xc, yc, r, w, col=col, cex=cex){
w = w/360*2*pi
x = xc+r*cos(w)
y = yc-r*sin(w)
points(x, y, pch=20, col=col, cex=cex)
draw.text.w = function(xc, yc, r, w, n, col="black", cex=1){
w = w%%360
w = w/360*2*pi
x = xc+r*cos(w)
y = yc-r*sin(w)
text(x,y,labels=n, col=col, cex=cex)
draw.text.rt = function(xc, yc, r, w, n, col="black", cex=1, side="out",
segmentWidth=20, parallel=FALSE){
w = w%%360
the.o = w
the.w = 360-w
w = w/360*2*pi
x = xc+r*cos(w)
y = yc-r*sin(w)
num2 = (segmentWidth*2)/2.0
b = the.w
if (side=="out"){
if (the.w <= 90 ){
the.pos = 4
if (parallel == TRUE){
the.w = the.w -90 # 180
} else if (the.w > 90 & the.w <= 180) {
if (parallel == TRUE){
the.w = the.w -90 # 180
else {
the.w = the.w + 180
the.pos = 2
} else if (the.w > 180 & the.w <= 270){
the.w = the.w%%180
if (parallel == TRUE){
the.w = the.w -90 # 180
the.pos = 2
} else if (the.w > 270 & the.w <= 360){
the.pos = 4
if (parallel == TRUE){
the.w = the.w + 90
if (the.pos==2){
x = x+num2
if (the.pos==4){
x = x-num2
if (side=="in"){
if (the.w <= 90 ){
the.pos = 4
} else if (the.w > 90 & the.w <= 180) {
the.w = the.w + 180
the.pos = 2
} else if (the.w > 180 & the.w <= 270){
the.w = the.w%%180
the.pos = 2
} else if (the.w > 270 & the.w <= 360){
the.pos = 4
if (the.pos==2){
x = x+segmentWidth
if (the.pos==4){
x = x-segmentWidth
text(x, y, adj=0, offset=1, labels=n, srt=the.w,
pos=the.pos, col=col, cex=cex)
draw.line = function (xc, yc, w, l1, l2, col=col, lwd=lwd, lend=1) {
w = (w/360)*2*pi
x1 = xc+l1*cos(w)
y1 = yc-l1*sin(w)
x2 = xc+l2*cos(w)
y2 = yc-l2*sin(w)
segments(x1, y1, x2, y2, col=col, lwd=lwd, lend=lend)
draw.line2 = function (xc, yc, w, r, l, col=col, lwd=lwd){
line_w = l
theangle = w
l1 = r
theangle = (theangle/360)*2*pi
x0 = xc+l1*cos(theangle)
y0 = yc+l1*sin(theangle)
w1 = 45/360*2*pi
x1 = xc + sin(w1) * (x0)
y1 = yc + cos(w1) * (y0)
x2 = xc - sin(w1) * (x0)
y2 = yc - cos(w1) * (y0)
segments(x1, y1, x2, y2, col=col, lwd=lwd, lend="butt")
###strokeLine by two angles
draw.line3 = function (xc, yc, w1, w2, r1, r2, col=col, lwd=lwd){
theangle1 = w1
theangle2 = w2
l1 = r1
l2 = r2
theangle1 = (theangle1/360)*2*pi
x1 = xc+l1*cos(theangle1)
y1 = yc-l1*sin(theangle1)
theangle2 = (theangle2/360)*2*pi
x2 = xc+l2*cos(theangle2)
y2 = yc-l2*sin(theangle2)
segments(x1, y1, x2, y2, col=col, lwd=lwd, lend="butt")
### plot fan or sector that likes a piece of doughnut (plotFan)
draw.arc.pg = function (xc, yc,
w1, w2, r1, r2, col="lightblue", border="lightblue", lwd=0.01
ang.d = abs(w1-w2)
pix.n = ang.d * 10
if (pix.n < 10){
pix.n = 10
ang.seq = rev(seq(w1,w2,length.out=pix.n))
ang.seq = ang.seq/360*2*pi
fan.i.x = xc + cos(ang.seq) * r1
fan.i.y = yc - sin(ang.seq) * r1
fan.o.x = xc + cos(ang.seq) * r2
fan.o.y = yc - sin(ang.seq) * r2
polygon(c(rev(fan.i.x), fan.o.x ), c(rev(fan.i.y), fan.o.y),
fillOddEven=TRUE, border=border, col=col, lwd=lwd, lend=1)
draw.arc.s = function (xc, yc, r, w1, w2, col="lightblue", lwd=1, lend=1){
# Draw circular arcs for the main ideogram)
# s = simple
# r = radius
ang.d = abs(w1-w2)
pix.n = ang.d * 5
if (pix.n < 2){
pix.n = 2
ang.seq = rev(seq(w1,w2,length.out=pix.n))
ang.seq = ang.seq/360*2*pi
fan.i.x = xc + cos(ang.seq) * r
fan.i.y = yc - sin(ang.seq) * r
## lend=0(round) #lend=1(butt) lend=2(square)
lines(fan.i.x, fan.i.y, col=col, lwd=lwd, type="l", lend=lend)
#points(fan.i.x, fan.i.y, col=col, lwd=lwd, type="l", lend=lend)
## segment to angle and position
## segAnglePo
# get angle if given seg and position
# seg should be ordered by user
segAnglePo = function (seg.dat=seg.dat, seg=seg, angle.start=angle.start,
if (missing(angle.start)){
angle.start = 0
if (missing(angle.end)){
angle.end = 360
## check data.frame?
colnames(seg.dat) = c("seg.name","seg.Start","seg.End","name","gieStain")
## get length of the segomosomes
seg.l = c()
seg.min = c()
seg.sum = c()
seg.s = 0
seg.num = length(seg)
seg.names = seg
for (i in 1:seg.num){
seg.n = seg.names[[i]]
dat.m = subset(seg.dat, seg.dat[,1]==seg.n)
seg.full.l = max(as.numeric(dat.m[,"seg.End"]))
seg.full.m = min(as.numeric(dat.m[,"seg.Start"]))
seg.l = cbind(seg.l, seg.full.l)
seg.min = cbind(seg.min, seg.full.m)
seg.s = seg.s + seg.full.l
seg.sum = cbind(seg.sum, seg.s)
## initial parameters
gap.angle.size = 2
seg.angle.from = angle.start + 270
seg.full.l = sum(as.numeric(seg.l))
angle.range = angle.end - angle.start
cir.angle.r = (angle.range - seg.num * gap.angle.size)/seg.full.l
out.s = c()
l.old = 0
gap.angle = 0
for (i in 1:seg.num){
seg.n = seg.names[[i]]
dat.m = subset(seg.dat, seg.dat[,1]==seg.n)
len = seg.sum[i]
w1 = cir.angle.r*l.old + gap.angle
w2 = cir.angle.r*len + gap.angle
out.s = rbind(out.s, c(seg.n, w1+seg.angle.from, w2+seg.angle.from,
l.old, len, seg.min[i], seg.l[i]))
gap.angle = gap.angle + gap.angle.size
l.old = len
colnames(out.s) = c("seg.name","angle.start", "angle.end", "seg.sum.start",
"seg.sum.end","seg.start", "seg.end")
### start do.scale
do.scale = function(xc=xc, yc=yc, dat.min=dat.min, dat.max=dat.max,
R=R, W=W, s.n=1, col="blue"){
dat.m = round((dat.min+dat.max)/2, s.n)
dat.min = round(dat.min, s.n)
dat.max = round(dat.max, s.n)
y1 = yc + R
y2 = yc + R + W/2
y3 = yc + R + W
x1 = xc - W/20
x2 = x1 - (W/20)*1.2
x3 = x1 - (W/20)*3
segments(x1, y1, x1, y3, lwd=0.01, col=col)
segments(x1, y1, x2, y1, lwd=0.01, col=col)
segments(x1, y2, x2, y2, lwd=0.01, col=col)
segments(x1, y3, x2, y3, lwd=0.01, col=col)
text(x3, y1, dat.min, cex=0.2, col=col)
text(x3, y2, dat.m, cex=0.2, col=col)
text(x3, y3, dat.max, cex=0.2, col=col)
### end do.scale
## Add an alpha value to a colour
add.alpha = function(col, alpha=1){
stop("Please provide a vector of colours.")
apply(sapply(col, col2rgb)/255, 2,
rgb(x[1], x[2], x[3], alpha=alpha))
then run this in the same environment
circosPlot2 = function(object,
comp = 1 : min(object$ncomp),
var.names = NULL,
showIntraLinks = FALSE,
size.variables = 0.25,
legend = TRUE)
# to satisfy R CMD check that doesn't recognise x, y and group (in aes)
Features = Exp = Dataset = Mean = linkColors = chrom = po = NULL
options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
figSize = 800
segmentWidth = 25
linePlotWidth = 90
### networkDiagram_core.R
### Authors: Michael Vacher (minor changes by Amrit :)
### Parts of this code has been modified from the original OmicCircos
### package obtained from:
### Ying Hu Chunhua Yan <yanch@mail.nih.gov> (2015). OmicCircos:
### High-quality circular visualization of omics data. v1.6.0.
# check input object
if (!is(object, "block.splsda"))
stop("circosPlot is only available for 'block.splsda' objects")
if (length(object$X) < 2)
stop("This function is only available when there are more than 3 blocks
(2 in object$X + an outcome object$Y)") # so 2 blocks in X + the outcome Y
if (missing(cutoff))
stop("'cutoff' is missing", call.=FALSE) # so 2 blocks in X + the outcome Y
color.Y = color.mixo(1:nlevels(object$Y))
} else {
if(length(color.Y) != nlevels(object$Y))
stop("'color.Y' must be of length ", nlevels(object$Y))
color.blocks = brewer.pal(n = 12, name = 'Paired') #why 12??
} else {
if(length(color.blocks) != length(object$X))
stop("'color.blocks' must be of length ", length(object$X))
color.blocks.adj = adjustcolor(color.blocks, alpha.f = 0.5)
#to get two shades of the same color per block
color.blocks = c(rbind(color.blocks, color.blocks.adj))
# to put the color next to its shaded color
color.cor = c(colors()[134], # blue, negative correlation
colors()[128]) # pale red, positive correlation
} else {
if(length(color.cor) != 2)
stop("'color.cor' must be of length 2")
X = object$X
Y = object$Y
#need to reorder variates and loadings to put 'Y' in last
indY = object$indY
object$variates = c(object$variates[-indY], object$variates[indY])
object$loadings = c(object$loadings[-indY], object$loadings[indY])
object$ncomp = c(object$ncomp[-indY], object$ncomp[indY])
#check var.names
sample.X = lapply(object$loadings[-length(object$loadings)],
function(x){1 : nrow(x)})
if (is.null(var.names))
var.names.list = unlist(sapply(object$loadings[
-length(object$loadings)], rownames))
} else if (is.list(var.names)) {
if (length(var.names) != length(object$loadings[
stop.message('var.names', sample.X)
if(sum(sapply(1 : length(var.names), function(x){
length(var.names[[x]]) == length(sample.X[[x]])})) !=
stop.message('var.names', sample.X)
var.names.list = var.names
} else {
stop.message('var.names', sample.X)
if(any(comp > min(object$ncomp)))
warning("Limitation to ",min(object$ncomp),
" components, as determined by min(object$ncomp)")
comp[which(comp > min(object$ncomp))] = min(object$ncomp)
comp = unique(sort(comp))
keepA = lapply(object$loadings, function(i)
apply(abs(i)[, comp, drop = FALSE], 1, sum) > 0)
cord = mapply(function(x, y, keep){
cor(x[, keep], y[, comp], use = "pairwise")
}, x=object$X, y=object$variates[-length(object$variates)],
keep = keepA[-length(keepA)],SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
simMatList = vector("list", length(X))
for(i in 1:length(cord))
for(j in 1:length(cord))
simMatList[[i]][[j]] = cord[[i]] %*% t(cord[[j]])
corMat = do.call(rbind, lapply(simMatList, function(i) do.call(cbind, i)))
## Expression levels
Xdat = as.data.frame(do.call(cbind, X)[, colnames(corMat)])
AvgFeatExp0 = Xdat %>% mutate(Y = Y) %>% gather(Features, Exp, -Y) %>%
group_by(Y, Features) %>% dplyr::summarise(Mean = mean(Exp), SD = sd(Exp))
AvgFeatExp0$Dataset = factor(rep(names(X), unlist(lapply(cord, nrow))),
levels = names(X))[match(AvgFeatExp0$Features,colnames(Xdat))]
# to match Xdat that is reordered in AvgFeatExp0
featExp = AvgFeatExp0 %>% group_by(Dataset, Y) %>% arrange(Mean)
#Generate a circular plot (circos like) from a correlation matrix (pairwise)
# Args:
# corMat: the main correlation matrix.
# -> colnames == rownames (pairwise) values = correlations
# featExp: data.frame holding the expression data.
# cutoff: minimum value for correlations (<threshold will be ignored)
# figSize: figure size
# segmentWidth: thickness of the segment (main circle)
# linePlotWidth: thickness of the line plot (showing expression data)
# showIntraLinks = display links intra segments
# 1) Generate karyotype data
chr = genChr(featExp, color.blocks = color.blocks)
chr.names = unique(chr$chrom) # paste("chr", 1:seg.num, sep="")
# Calculate angles and band positions
db = segAnglePo(chr, seg=chr.names)
db = data.frame(db)
# 2) Generate Links
links = genLinks2(chr, corMat, threshold=cutoff)
if (nrow(links) < 1)
warning("Choose a lower correlation threshold to highlight
links between datasets")
# 3) Plot
# Calculate parameters
circleR = (figSize / 2.0) - segmentWidth - linePlotWidth
linksR = circleR - segmentWidth
linePlotR = circleR + segmentWidth
chrLabelsR = (figSize / 2.0)
# replace chr$name by the ones in var.names (matching)
# matching var.names.list with object$loadings
ind.match = match(chr$name, unlist(sapply(object$loadings[
chr$name.user = unlist(var.names.list)[ind.match]
par(mar=c(2, 2, 2, 2))
plot(c(1,figSize), c(1,figSize), type="n", axes=FALSE, xlab="",
ylab="", main="")
# Plot ideogram
drawIdeogram(R=circleR, cir=db, W=segmentWidth, show.band.labels=TRUE,
show.chr.labels=TRUE, chr.labels.R= chrLabelsR, chrData=chr,
size.variables = size.variables, size.labels=size.labels,
color.blocks = color.blocks, line = line)
# Plot links
drawLinks(R=linksR, cir=db, mapping=links, col=linkColors,
drawIntraChr=showIntraLinks, color.cor = color.cor)
# Plot expression values
cTypes = levels(Y)
#unique(featExp[,1]) #Get the different disease/cancer types (lines)
#lineCols = rainbow(nrow(cTypes), alpha=0.5)
lineCols = color.Y
#color.mixo(1:nlevels(Y))#color.mixo(match(levels(Y), levels(Y)))
# Fixme: remove this loop and send the whole expr dframe to drawLinePlot
for (i in 1:length(chr.names)){
seg.name = gsub("chr","",chr.names[i])
#Get data for each segment
expr = subset(featExp,featExp$Dataset==seg.name)
expr = dcast(expr, formula = Features ~ Y, value.var="Mean")
## changed PAM50 to Y
expr = merge(expr, chr, by.x="Features", by.y="name")
expr$po = (as.numeric(expr$chromStart) +
as.numeric(expr$chromEnd)) / 2.0
expr = dplyr::rename(expr, seg.name = chrom, seg.po = po)
# Reorder columns
cOrder = c(c(grep("seg.name", colnames(expr)),
grep("seg.po", colnames(expr))),c(1:length(cTypes)+1))
expr = expr[, cOrder]
# Plot data on each sub segment
subChr = subset(db, db$seg.name == chr.names[i] )
drawLinePlot(R=linePlotR, cir=subChr, W=linePlotWidth,
lineWidth=1, mapping=expr, col=lineCols, scale=FALSE)
par(xpd=TRUE) # to authorise the legend to be written outside the margin,
# otherwise it's too small
# Plot legend
if(legend == TRUE)
# First legeng bottom left corner
legend(x=5, y = (circleR/4), title="Correlations",
c("Positive Correlation", "Negative Correlation"),
col = color.cor, pch = 19, cex=size.legend, bty = "n")
# Second legend bottom righ corner
legend(x=figSize-(circleR/3), y = (circleR/3), title="Expression",
legend=levels(Y), ## changed PAM50 to Y
col = lineCols, pch = 19, cex=size.legend, bty = "n",ncol=ncol.legend)
# third legend top left corner
legend(x=figSize-(circleR/2), y = figSize, title="Correlation cut-off",
legend=paste("r", cutoff, sep = "="),
col = "black", cex=size.legend, bty = "n")
legend(x=-circleR/4, y = figSize, legend=paste("Comp",
col = "black", cex=size.legend, bty = "n")
par(xpd=opar,mar=opar1)# put the previous defaut parameter for xpd
Y = nutrimouse$diet
data = list(gene = nutrimouse$gene, lipid = nutrimouse$lipid)
design = matrix(c(0,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,0), ncol = 3, nrow = 3, byrow = TRUE)
nutrimouse.sgccda <- wrapper.sgccda(X=data,
Y = Y,
design = design,
keepX = list(gene=c(10,10), lipid=c(15,15)),
ncomp = 2,
scheme = "horst")
## cor < -0.7
circosPlot2(nutrimouse.sgccda, cutoff = -0.7, ncol.legend = 2, size.legend = 1.1)
## cor > 0.7 - excluding legend
circosPlot2(nutrimouse.sgccda, cutoff = 0.7, ncol.legend = 2, size.legend = 1.1, legend = FALSE)
## side by side - you can adjust sizes in markdown chunks or RStudio's 'Zoom'
par(mfrow = c(1,2))
circosPlot2(nutrimouse.sgccda, cutoff = -0.7, ncol.legend = 2, size.legend = 1.1, legend = FALSE)
circosPlot2(nutrimouse.sgccda, cutoff = 0.7, ncol.legend = 2, size.legend = 1.1, legend = FALSE)
Hope it helps
Changing cutoff to -0.7 or 0.7 doesn’t work - both positive and negative correlations are still shown on mixOmics circosplot.
Are you sure you’ve copied all the source code from these posts and initialised them in your environment? Also make sure you’re calling circosPlot2()
and not circosPlot()