Dear mixOmics community and team,
We would like to know if the multi-level approach is right for our research question and we would be very happy to get support from your team. We have 2 groups (Intervention, and control) and 2 time points (pre-post). We have 23 participants in total and each collect 2 stool samples (pre-post).
We are interested in finding the microbes that changed due to the intervention. We have tried the multi-level. We have used
design ← data.frame(sample =$Subject_ID) # set the multilevel design
Subject ID: Unique ID for each subject
Sample ID: Unique ID for each sample
and we have the following output:
Here, we see differences in the 2 plots. Does this mean that the multi-level approach worked?
Is that design correct in this case? I check different forum posts and am confused about whether to use “sample id” or “Subject ID” in the design. One more question here: You have mentioned in the forum post that multi-level removes “inter-patients variability”. inter-patients variability in this case would mean the change in a subject’s microbiome between the time points?
Alternate strategy:
Since, we are interested in finding which microbes changed in the intervention group compared to the control group, Can we use the change in microbiome as an input to PCA or sSPL-DA (response variable: group)? Exact input: Change in clr transformed microbiome count data (post-pre). Does this strategy work instead of multi-level?
Thank you
- Aakash
I am attaching the code used:
taxo ← tax_table(phyloseq_data) # extraction of the taxonomy ← phyloseq_data@sam_data # extraction of the metadata
extract OTU table from phyloseq object
samples should be in row and variables in column
data.raw ← t(otu_table(phyloseq_data))
data.offset ← data.raw+1
remove low count OTUs
result.filter ← low.count.removal(data.offset,
data.filter ← result.filter$data.filter
X ← # set the raw genera data as the predictor dataframe
Y ← microbiome_markers$Intervention # set the RESPONDERS VARIABLE class as the response vector
undergo normal PCA after scaling/centering
pca ← pca(X,
scale = TRUE,
center = TRUE,
logratio = ‘CLR’)
undergo multilevel PCA after scaling/centering
pca.multilevel ← pca(X,
scale = TRUE,
center = TRUE,
logratio = ‘CLR’,
multilevel = design)
plot the samples on normal PCs
group =$Intervention,
ind.names =$Person_ID,
legend = TRUE,
legend.title = ‘Intervention group’,
title = ‘(a) PCA on microbiome data’)
plot the samples on multilevel PCs
group =$Intervention,
ind.names =$Person_ID,
legend = TRUE,
legend.title = ‘Intervention group’,
title = ‘(b) Multilevel PCA on microbiome data’)