TimeOmics - Warning message


I am running TimeOmics for gene expression data (mRNA) and microbiome. I am first running the analysis for each Omics, when I run the function “getNcomp()” I get this warning: "Warning: no non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf ". Also, my “pca.ncomp$choice.ncomp” is 0.

Does this mean I cannot run this analysis? Can I continue with the pls to integrate Microbiome and Gene expression?
Any suggestion will be very useful.
Thank you very much!!!

hi @NAR,

This is just a warning indicating that the tuning has not found an optimal solution, but I would suggest you still go ahead and choose the number of components yourself (1 or 2) and inspect the graphical outputs. then move on to the integration part. The PCA results may mean that it is difficult to identify coordinated profiles in a single omics (i.e each variable has a distinct shape). But perhaps it might work better between different omics!
