Hey guys, first of all, thankyou very much for creating mixOmics, I very gratefully use it in my own BioC package autonomics and love it.
Recently I noticed that the PLS X variates plot changes whether or not samples with missing Y values are dropped. I initially thought this is a bug, but then thought this is by design. Given that PLS is a method that looks at the covariance of X and Y, somehow it seems that when Y is missing it falls back to the variance.
Let me give a reproducible example.
First go to github/bhagwataditya/autonomics.
Then download the devel version and install.
Then run:
file <- download_data('atkin18.metabolon.xlsx')
object <- read_metabolon(file)
object$subgroup[object$subgroup == 't2'] <- NA
biplot(pls(object)) # uses mixOmics::plsda internally
biplot(pls(filter_samples(object, !is.na(subgroup))) # result differs