It’s my first post, but I’d like to start by thanking the mixomics group for all of their fascinating work!
I have a question about multi-omics multiple-time-point integration analysis. I have a fairly large data-set consisting of transcriptomics, proteomics and metabolomics data, sampled over a week.
It includes:
- transcriptomics (~50,000 genes, over 13 time-points, with 1 control and 3 conditions, and 3-4 replicates each)
- proteomics (~8000 proteins, over 9 time-points, with 1 control and 2 conditions, and 3-4 replicates each)
- metabolomics (~250 metabolites, over 20 time-points, with 3 conditions, and 2 replicates in 2/3 of time-points)
I have read, with interest, the recent Biorxiv paper (https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/585802v2), and I would like to ask whether it would be feasible to apply this method for my dataset?