Analyzing microbiome data.
Proceed with tss + clr and an error occurred during perf.plsda.
The otu table had 101 bacteria left after prefiltering.
I wonder what the problem is. Thank you.
Analyzing microbiome data.
Proceed with tss + clr and an error occurred during perf.plsda.
The otu table had 101 bacteria left after prefiltering.
I wonder what the problem is. Thank you.
Hi Seung, could you reinstall your mixOmics version from bioconductor or gitHub? https://github.com/mixOmicsTeam/mixOmics
we have fixed that bug before. If that does not work out let us know!
Hi Seung,
Can you send us your RData object (with the data) at mixomics[at]math.univ-toulouse.fr and we will have a better look early next week. Your data will remain confidential but this is for potential debugging!
Hi Seung,
You can run the following code in the analysis environment to save the data:
save(otu.TSS, Y, file = "perfBugData.RData")
And then email the perfBugData.RData
object it to us.
Is your email address “mixomics [at] math.univ-toulouse.fr” correct? I get an error
Have you replaced [at] with @? It starts with <mixOmics@math…>. We do not post the direct email on public forums to avoid spams.