I have a question regarding choosing only a certain number of features for the circus plot to make it more readable. We have used the sparse mode of DIABLO.
Here is a description of the data used for my Diablo model:
5 datasets:
$microbiome_genera 28 samples 143 features
$clinical_markers 28 samples 26 features
$feces_metabolome 28 samples1051 features
$plasma_markers 28 samples 1128 features
$plasma_ferulic_markers 28 samples 2 features
and selected 2 components for the final model with the following selection for each dataset and each component:
$microbiome_genera 4 1
$clinical_markers 3 15
$feces_metabolome 51 51
$plasma_markers 51 51
$plasma_ferulic_markers 1 1
cimDIABLO is working, here is the plot:
Code used for cimDIABLO:
color= hcl.colors(20, palette = “viridis”),
margins =c(15,30)#,
The network plot is working as well.
However, I am not able to select just component one in any of the function and How do we select top 10 features in component 1 of feces_metabolome perhaps?
We are asking becoz, currently, the circus plot is too big with too many features. For the publication, we would like to keep important features only.